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    Hialeah Hospital opens to the public, our first Hospital and a sign of the incredibly postwar demand Hialeah was experiencing at the time.

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    The Hialeah Speedway opens for the first time to the glorious sound of engines roaring, it lasted 50 years until 2004. The last of its kind.

    Hialeah Speedway Aerial View
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    Hialeah High Senior High School opens its doors for the first time. Due to tremendous demand from our explosive growth after WWII, the school is instantly filled. The school’s alumni list is huge, but some of the standouts are Harry Casey, Bucky Dent, Jon Secada, Gio Gonzalez, and Nestor Cortes.

    Picture of Hialeah High with students
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    Immaculate Conception Catholic Church opens to worshippers just west of palm Ave, the church steeple was the tallest structure in all west Hialeah for many years, still an iconic sight to this day.

    Immaculate Conception Parish-1975
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    Stephens Deli opens in the heart of the garment industry in east Hialeah, where there was once a large Jewish community. This is last Jewish Deli from that era still in operation in South Florida.

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    Mae M. Walters Elementary school opens near 29th street. It’s one of our oldest public schools, two years before its neighbor Filer Middle school and the first one on the west side of Hialeah.

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    Flamingo Plaza located in east Hialeah opens its doors to delighted shoppers. Anchored by JC Penney, it was at the time, the largest shopping center west of Flager Street.

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    Joseph “Big Daddy” Flanigan’s open the very first Big Daddy liquor store on the northern edge of our city.