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    The Town is settled by co-founders Glenn Curtiss & James Bright. They name the young city “Hialeah” after the Seminole word “Haiyakpo Hili” which means “high prairie.”

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    Triangle Park is built, our very first public park. It would serve as a staging place for potential
    residents to explore our young city.

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    The largest billboard in the state of Florida is placed at the entrance of Hialeah, depicting Seminole Chief Jack Tigertail. An influential figure in the early days of the Hialeah.

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    The Miami Movie Studios is built on 140 acres, over a dozen studio stages made Hialeah the second largest studio town in the silent movie era. However, the 1926 Hurricane & the 1929 Great Depression took a massive toll, and plans were abandoned a few years later.

    Miami Movie Studios with production inside and filming
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    The first racetrack in Hialeah opens to the public, not with horses as it came to be known but with dogs instead. The first track had greyhounds and was located on Palm Avenue. Unfortunately, the 1926 Hurricane destroyed the park.

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    The exclusive model neighborhood of Deer Park is built right off Okeechobee Road. The homes are Spanish revival architecture, our founders used them to market Hialeah as a premier winter destination for wealthy snowbirds.

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    Leah Millard becomes the first baby to be born in our new city. Her father Bob Milliard was Hialeah’s first full time resident and early pioneer. He founded Hialeah’s first post office, general store & gas station.

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    The first school in Hialeah is erected. The stunning Spanish Revival building still amazingly still stands today as South Hialeah Elementary.

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    The first bridge connecting Hialeah to Miami Springs opens for car traffic. An original swing bridge, The Warren Pony (incoming) bridge is a testament to build to last engineering marvels.

    Footbridge crossing, Hialeah town and zoo with bus tour; 1922
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    The Hialeah Municipal water plant is built and its responsible for supplying water for the entire west side of Miami Dade County, without this hard-working plant, it would’ve been nearly impossible to expand South Florida in the 1920’s.

    Hialeah Water Plant under construction
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    The Hialeah Public Library was started by our founder’s mother, Lea Curtiss & the Hialeah’s Women Club. Today, we honor her own namesake library Lea Curtiss Library on East 4th Avenue.

    Lua A. Curtiss Library; 1976
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    The Hialeah Fire Department was founded. Originally made up of volunteers, today it’s one of the largest in the county with 9 stations, answering 200K calls a year, responding to 41K incidents and it’s rated one of the most elite fire departments in the state of Florida.

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    Our city is incorporated on September 10th, 1925. J.P Grethen becomes Hialeah’s first Mayor with a unanimous 234 votes.

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    Hialeah’s first horse racetrack opens to the public, it was named Miami Jockey Club, it hosted 18K people on opening day making Hialeah an overnight destination for horse racing enthusiasts. Later, the 1926 Hurricane damaged the facility, and it was eventually sold to millionaire & industrialist Joseph E. Widener.

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    Our sister city of Miami Springs is incorporated on August 23rd, 1926. It was originally named Country Club Estates, it featured a beautiful green golf course & a unique Pueblo Indian architecture style.

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    The stunning Mediterranean style Hialeah Seaboard line Train Station is built, connecting New York to the City to Hialeah. It would operate during the winter months and bring thousands of snowbirds to the racetrack.

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    The Great Miami Hurricane Hits South Florida, Hialeah was utterly devastated. Over 70% of all buildings suffer massive structural damage. Population subsequentially shrinks by 90%. The land boom ends abruptly and would not fully recover until WWII was over.

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    Our other sister city, the stunning “Arabian Nights” inspired city of Opa-locka is incorporated on May 14th, 1926.

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    The second bridge connecting Hialeah to Miami Springs is built. The Parker bridge is an amazing vertical lift bridge, there are only two original ones left in all South Florida.

    Bridge on the Miami Canal, under construction; 1924
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    The first Flamingos arrived at Hialeah Park, which was under construction at the time. Originally imported from Cuba, the flamingos would go on the become one of Hialeah’s biggest symbols. Three Oscar winning movies have featured the infield of flamingos as well as iconic movies like Scarface and TV show Miami Vice.

    Postcard of Flamingoes at the Racetrack
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    Under the patronage of Philadelphia millionaire, Joseph E. Widener the new and improved Hialeah Park officially opens to the public. The iconic racetrack quickly became South Florida’s biggest tourist attraction. It has become the premier wintertime destination for all to be seen. From movie stars to high society, politicians & royalty alike. It was dubbed the Grand Dame of the South and considered the most beautiful track at the time.

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    Right after prohibition ends, the Hialeah Brewery opens its brand-new tap room in downtown Hialeah. At the time it was the largest brewery in all South Florida.

    Hialeah Brewing Company Newspaper Article
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    Henry Milander runs for public office, owner of Milander Butcher shop and a 1924 pioneer, Milander will eventually become the single most influential Politian ever in Hialeah history, he was elected mayor 15 times.

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    Bob Graham was born in a rock farmhouse on the westernmost edge of Hialeah. The youngest of all Graham siblings would eventually become a much respected & admired two term Florida Governor and three times US State senator.

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    The iconic aviator Amelia Earhart sets out on her ill-fated trip around the world from Hialeah Municipal Airport. She went missing shortly after, triggering the largest manhunt in history, sadly was never seen again. Hialeah has a park, a school and an entertainment center named after her.

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    Babcock Park opens, originally named Hunter Lyon Park. It is our oldest community center. It had our first public pool, first baseball first & many other firsts in our park’s history. It was renamed Babcock Park in 1945 after Benny Babcock, a young Hialeah man & patriot. He was the first to die in battle during WWII.

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    Hialeah becomes a booming manufacturing center for the war effort, from uniforms to airplane parts, Hialeah makes it all.

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    St. John The Apostle Church is founded. The oldest continuously operated religious center in Hialeah and the first Catholic Parish in our city.

    St John the Apostle Catholic Church
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    The City of Hialeah Gardens is incorporated on December 1st, 1948. The main reason to incorporate was due to a new law in Hialeah that would fine you if your horse defecated in the street.

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    A new development called Suntan Villages begins sales in east Hialeah. Aimed at returning WWII veterans, it proves wildly successful and leads the way to our city’s massive post war residential boom.

    Suntan Villages Newspaper Article
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    The Town of Medley, our neighbor to the South, becomes incorporated on May 1st, 1948. Today, Medley is a massive industrial & manufacturing hub.

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    After WWII, Hialeah population starts to experience tremendous growth, our second school opens to meet the new demand. Hialeah Elementary opened for kids up to the 9th grade.

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    Hialeah Hospital opens to the public, our first Hospital and a sign of the incredibly postwar demand Hialeah was experiencing at the time.

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    The Hialeah Speedway opens for the first time to the glorious sound of engines roaring, it lasted 50 years until 2004. The last of its kind.

    Hialeah Speedway Aerial View
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    Hialeah High Senior High School opens its doors for the first time. Due to tremendous demand from our explosive growth after WWII, the school is instantly filled. The school’s alumni list is huge, but some of the standouts are Harry Casey, Bucky Dent, Jon Secada, Gio Gonzalez, and Nestor Cortes.

    Picture of Hialeah High with students
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    Immaculate Conception Catholic Church opens to worshippers just west of palm Ave, the church steeple was the tallest structure in all west Hialeah for many years, still an iconic sight to this day.

    Immaculate Conception Parish-1975
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    Stephens Deli opens in the heart of the garment industry in east Hialeah, where there was once a large Jewish community. This is last Jewish Deli from that era still in operation in South Florida.

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    Mae M. Walters Elementary school opens near 29th street. It’s one of our oldest public schools, two years before its neighbor Filer Middle school and the first one on the west side of Hialeah.

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    Flamingo Plaza located in east Hialeah opens its doors to delighted shoppers. Anchored by JC Penney, it was at the time, the largest shopping center west of Flager Street.

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    Joseph “Big Daddy” Flanigan’s open the very first Big Daddy liquor store on the northern edge of our city.

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    Palm Springs Miles opens to the public, a huge economic boom to Hialeah. The center is the largest open-air mall in all South Florida, with a massive 200K square feet of retail space. It becomes a symbol that we have arrived as a major economic & residential hub.

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    Rene Sedanos starts a small 4K sq ft bodega in east Hialeah. A year later he sells the store to the Herran/Guerra family who slowly grow the grocery business into the largest Hispanic owned Supermarket chain in the US with 35 store locations from Homestead all the way to Orlando.

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    The Palmetto Expressways or SR-826 opens to car traffic. It’s the first major highway to pass through Hialeah since Okeechobee Road US27. It crosses through 12 different cities.

    Hialeah Highway sign
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    John F. Kennedy Library opens to the public. It was the crowing jewel of the Hialeah Public Library System, filled with artwork, computer systems and the largest collection of books in our city.

    John F. Kennedy Library;
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    Diane Crump becomes the first ever professional female jockey rider in the long history of the sport. The historic race takes place in Hialeah.

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    Hialeah-Miami Lakes High School opens its doors. Our city’s second High School and a testament to how much the west side of Hialeah had grown by the early 70’s.

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    Westland Mall opens in the City of Hialeah. Originally anchored by stores such as Burdines (now Macys), Sears & JC Penney. At the time it was just the second air-conditioned mall in all of Miami Dade County.

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    The original Vicky Bakery opens in East Hialeah. Led by the Cuban American Cao family, the bakery becomes a staple of our community. Today, there are several dozen stores across all of South Florida.

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    TK Records moves its operation to a small warehouse in east Hialeah. George McCrae recorded his hit song “Rock Your Baby”, the first ever disco song to hit #1 and sell a 1 million records. Other musical groups like KC & the Sunshine Band & Anita Ward as well as early rap songs like “Rappers Delight.”

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    DiPiazza Italian restaurant open for business on the west side of town. Open for over 50 years and continuously operated by the DiPiazza family, a record in Hialeah.

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    The band KC & the Sunshine Band is formed in a small studio in East Hialeah. Led by Hialeah native, Harry Wayne Casey, the band would go on to be one of the most successful pop & disco band of the 70’s and 80’s with 5 top #1 hits and sold over 100 million records worldwide.

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    El Rincon de San Lazaro open to believers on Palm Avenue. The only such shrine fully dedicated to unofficial Cuban patron saint.

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    The TV show “Que Pasa USA?” debuts on PBS. The show featured the Pena family, Cuban exiles adapting
    to life in the U.S it resonated tremendously in the growing Cuban enclave of Hialeah. It was the first
    bilingual show ever to air in the USA.

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    Los Tres Monitos bakery opens on the growing Palm Springs section of west Hialeah. The oldest Colombian bakery in town, Colombian Americans make up the second largest ethnic group in Hialeah.

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    The Mariel Boatlift has a dramatic effect on our city with many newcomers settling in Hialeah. After
    1980, Hialeah becomes an overwhelmingly Hispanic city. Today, about 94% of residents speak Spanish.

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    Miami-Dade College opens their Hialeah Campus in a small second floor office of a shopping center
    on Palm Springs. Today, their new campus is a massive compound with its own art gallery.

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    Amelia Park is established in the northern edge of Hialeah. Although technically part of Miami-Dade County, it has become a staple for Hialeah residents.

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    The legendary nightclub Casanova’s opens in east Hialeah. One of the most popular clubs in the US during the 80’s. It attracted top Disco & pop performers like The Village People, KC & the Sunshine Band to pop acts including the Queen of Pop herself, Madonna.

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    The popular 24-hour Chico’s Restaurants opens just after the Mariel’s Boatlift and right as the new Mango Hill neighborhood starts to rise on the west side of Hialeah. This area will eventually become the most densely populated part of Hialeah.

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    Cuban American politician, Raul Martinez, is sworn in as our mayor. This marks a turning point in the
    city’s political landscape. The Hispanic vote becomes the most dominating force not only in politics but also economics & civic issues.

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    The popular Molina’s Ranch Cuban restaurants opens on the east side, often considered the gold standard of Cuban cuisine, Molina’s has been serving classic Cuban dishes for over 40 years now.

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    The Hialeah & Opa-locka (now closed) open air flea market opens. At its peak, it had over 900 vendors and more than 100K visitors a week.

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    Gus Machado takes over an old car dealership right on 49th street. It would later become the largest Hispanic owned Ford dealership in the state of Florida. Gus Machado is a symbol of the American dream, he also become one of our most generous businessmen in our city’s history.

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    The first Nicaraguan restaurant opens in Hialeah, Los Hermanos Mendoza. A delicious Fritanga style restaurant right on Palm Avenue, for many years it was the center of Nicaraguan American culture in our city. Nicaraguans make up the third largest ethnic group in Hialeah.

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    The “Balsero” refugee crisis unwinds, and many arriving Cubans decide to make Hialeah their home. The city services are pushed to the max but eventually everyone is integrated. Proving again that Hialeah is one of the most welcoming cities in South Florida.

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    The store, Ñooo Que Barato, opens with an array of Cuban focused items. This included Cuban school uniforms, mosquito nets, and small fans. After the Balsero refugee of 1994, Hialeah cements its position as the center of the Cuba exile in South Florida.

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    The Hialeah water fountain is unveiled to the public, located right on the busy Okeechobee Rd, it has quickly become an iconic symbol for our city. It has even been featured in music videos by Pitbull & Gente de Zona.

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    The Leah Arts District launches on the once industrial core of East Hialeah. Today there are dozens of colorful murals and several art galleries.

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    Trigo Café opens right on the busy 49Th street. A modern take on classic Cuban cuisine, this restaurant is responsible for a new wave of trendy restaurants that promise to make Hialeah a foodie destination in the next decade.

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    La Fresa Francesa opened to glowing critical reviews and quickly becomes a foodie favorite. A gourmet French restaurant signal the beginning a new wave of restaurants in our city.

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    The controversial 170th bridge connecting Miami Lakes to Hialeah finally opens after years of dispute. It quickly proved wildly popular& useful for both communities.